Tag: Graphene Ceramic Coating

Graphene Ceramic Coating vs PPF – The Winner is?
19 Dec

Graphene Ceramic Coating vs PPF – The Winner is?

Remember how she looked the day you met?Shiny, glossy, new. And that smell!We are talking of course about the day you met your new car. And how everything from that new car smell inside to its glossy, shiny exterior got your pulse racing and your heart smiling. Now it can be hard maintaining that new […]
Graphene ceramic coating is the best in maintaining a dark car
29 Jul

Graphene ceramic coating is the best in maintaining a dark car

Dark cars have gained immense popularity in the past decade, making them the new RED in the automotive world. However, maintaining and protecting a dark coloured vehicle can be a tough task, as even minor scratches can be easily seen. If you are looking for ways to maintain your car’s perfect colour and ensure its […]